
Primary Exit Profile

Need Help Preparing for the PEP Exams?

Performance Task

Requires students to show their skills through learning activities. These activities are based on real-world scenarios.

Curriculum Based Task

Consists of multiple-choice questions that take content from the Grade 6 curriculum ONLY.

Ability Test

Allows students to read and understand well. It also demands students to use various methods to solve math problems.

Performance Task

The Performance Tasks are prepared by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information (MOEYI) but are administered by the teacher within the student’s classroom.

Performance Task

Ability Test

The ability test, administered only in Grade 6, assesses the students’ understanding of numeracy, verbal and non-verbal questions. This test is not curriculum-based and the format of the questions is not limited to multiple choice.

Curriculum-based Test

The Curriculum-Based Test will assess the four main subject areas: Mathematics, Language Arts, Science and Social Studies.  The test is administered only in Grade Six. The questions on this assessment is in the form of multiple choice questions and are drawn from the curriculum.


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