Online Learning Best Practices

CYDI’s Tips

As you are well aware of by now, online learning is the new normal in today’s world. As far as we can tell, this type of learning might be around for quite some time so it’s best if we can maximize our experience in the virtual classroom. 

Yes, online learning is challenging but it is possible to achieve great results. Here are a few tips from us to help set yourself up for success and take advantage of all that online learning has to offer.

Tip 1. Create a Learning Space

Create a learning space

  1. Set up a dedicated space in your house where you will take your classes from.

  2. Try to make sure you are sitting up so you can stay alert. Meaning, no zoom school or studying from bed!

  3. Make this space your own by adding positive decorations such as drawings of yourself being successful!

Boy in blue shirt with Ipad

Avoid distractions

  1. Try using earphones to see if you can block out some of the extra noise around you.
  2. See if you can signal to your family that you are in a class and don’t want to be disturbed (e.g. let your family know that having your earphones in means you’re busy learning).
  3. Turn off the electronics around you that you are not using such as the TV or perhaps your phone. Also, close web browsers or tabs that are not related to your class.
Hand with Pencil raised

Be an active participant in class

  1. Online learning is better when you participate in class!
  2. Ask questions in class to show your teacher that you are engaged and answer the questions she/he asks to show that you are listening.
  3. Reach out to your teachers after class if you have any questions about something you did not understand. 

These are just a few things you can do to help online learning be as productive as it can be. The most important tips, however, are to stay positive and do your best! We are confident that if you have a good attitude you will be able to achieve all your goals. 



Naomi Reitzin


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