Mental Health

Often, we tend to forget about the importance of taking care of our mental health in Jamaica. We are here to remind you that it is important and as a part of your development, we must take all the steps necessary to protect it. CYD Institute has taken the time to gather some resources that may help you. Some of the resources are specific to children under the age of 18 years old and others are for anyone, including adults. To read more about mental health for kids please visit our blog post here. Enjoy the resources below!

girl with her phone

SafeSpot National Child and Teen Helpline

If you are 18 years or younger you are able to get 24/7 assistance via the SafeSpot Helpline. If you ever feel unsafe in anyway, you have access to counselors and trained professionals to address your concerns.

To access the services offered via the SafeSpot Helpline, persons may call the toll-free number – 888-SAFESPOT (888-723-7768), send a WhatsApp message to 876-439-5199, or send a direct message via Instagram or SnapChat to @safespotja.

Read more about what the Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Fayval Williams had to say about this initiate here.

Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Helpline

This helpline is set up to give persons reliable access to initial counselling and appropriate intervention to mental health crises, including suicidal intent or attempts. You don’t have to do this alone, you never should.

There is a 24-hour, toll-free helpline. Please call 888-NEW LIFE or 888-639-5433 to get help. 

If you have a friend and you are not sure what to do you may also share this with them. Read a message from the Minister of Health & Wellness Dr. The Hon. Christopher Tufton on World Suicide Prevention Day under the theme “Working Together to Prevent Suicide” here.

your mental health matters
mental health support

Mental Health Support on Social Media

Here are a list of professionals or agencies that speak about mental health on social media. You may find helpful tips and creative ways to keep your minds healthy. 

Caribbean Tots 2 Teens    IG: @caribtots2teens

Jamaica Mental Health Advocacy Network   IG: @jamhan_ja

Art Therapy Jamaica   IG: @arttherapyja

Centred   IG: @centredja

Jhanille A. Brooks, M.A  IG: @justkeepswimming876

Dr. Kristen Robinson-Barrett   IG: @drkristenrobinson

Dr. Kai A D Morgan & Associates   IG: @kadmpsychassociates

Disclaimer: We have no personal affiliations with the listed resources, we are sharing them solely for your benefit.

A Video from the Ministry of Health Mental Health Campaign

The Ministry of Health encourages us all to Speak Up, Speak Now to end the stigma around mental health. Here is a video from their campaign. Support each other and speak up or listen to a friend. Find more graphics and facts here.