learning styles

Kolb’s Learning Styles

Kolb Learning Styles

A learning style is defined as the individual’s preferred way to absorb, process, understand, and retain information. Basically, it is how a person makes sense of new material based on his strengths and weaknesses. 


You may ask questions such as “why is it important for me?” or “why do I need to know about this?”. Well, the answer is simple. By knowing your specific learning style, you will be aware of how your brain learns best. So you will not waste any more time, and surely you will be able to process the information that you are studying in a more effective way.


David Kolb, an American psychologist, published his learning styles inventory in 1984 stating that there are four stages on the learning cycle:

  • Concrete experience: Here, each learner engages in an activity and the key to learning is involvement. In this stage, it is not enough for learners to just read about it or watch it in action. In order to understand, learners must actively engage in the task.
  • Reflective observation: It is when we step back to reflect, and immediately start to analyze and understand the previous situation. This stage allows the learner to ask questions and discuss it with others.
  • Abstract conceptualization: In this step, the learner tries to make sense of the events, draw conclusions, and use ideas that are familiar. This means interpreting the experience.
  • Active experimentation: This is the testing stage. Here, the learners have to apply their conclusions and put their knowledge into practice. 


Learning process

All these stages work together to create a learning process. However, some people prefer some components over others, and that is why there are many different learning styles.


  • Experiencing: These people find meaning from deep involvements in activities and tasks. They are good at building personal relationships and working in groups.
  • Initiating: They are willing to jump in and try on new things by themselves. These types of learners are always seeking new opportunities.
  • Imagining: They learn by stepping back to observe and reflect on their actions and feelings. They’re very creative and have the ability to see things from different points of view. 
  • Reflecting: They organize information and analyze data in a way that is meaningful and orderly. 
  • Analyzing: They’re very logical and rational. Prefer reading and exploring analytical models.
  • Thinking: Learn primarily by deep involvement in abstract ideas, theories and concepts. Also rely on quantitative information to support their argument or predict outcomes.
  • Deciding: They have the ability to use theories and models to decide on problem solutions. Also, they are very efficient when setting goals and avoid distractions.
  • Acting: These types of learners are good at combining technical knowledge with personal relationships. They are also good at leading groups.
  • Balancing: They are very curious and open people who have the ability to find the pros and cons of every situation and are good at adapting to it. 


If you want to know what your learning style is and what learning technique works best for you, visit this link to take the quiz.


Alessia Di Lanzo

Author Alessia Di Lanzo